Friday, February 23, 2007

I remember...

...some of the stuff I was going to post but forgot! Some more reminders about what the kids are doing.

I. is obsessed with rhymes- her new thing is to use her body to block doors/top of the stairway/whatever and refuse to let you pass until you've told her a rhyme. She's got R. imitating her and doing it (but does she really recognize a rhyme when she hears one? Hmmm...) She's also a total pop diva- She makes up her own songs and totally sings them like a young rock star- I wish I could get her on video doing it! R. sometimes makes up songs too...the first one she made up was almost a year ago- the lyrics were "All the animals are crying. All the animals are sleeping". Set to her own tune. These days though, she's big on singing songs she learns at school. The latest is Jesus Loves Me...and she's also pretty obsessed with the VeggieTales theme song. Her other big thing is asking "Mommy, what does X mean?" But she doesn't want to know a definition- she wants to know significance. Like "what do panties mean? What do pullups and diapers mean?" And tonight it was "What do green monsters mean? What do black monsters mean?" Also- big news for her- she's moving up to the 3 year old preschool room in 1-2 weeks! So she and Isabelle will share a part-time preschool teacher (the daycare participates in a preschool program the school district has started to help with kindergarden readiness, and the district sends a teacher out for about an hour or so daily, in each of the preschool rooms.)

I think that's all...and I'm working this weekend- so time for bed!


Christy said...

Have you told I. and R. about the legend of the troll under the bridge? I bet they'd really like that idea since they're setting up their own troll-bridge on the staircase.

Heather said...

That's so cute!! Hadley's always telling me that rhymes should also have rhythm!