Sunday, March 4, 2007

Out of town...

We're at the in-laws this weekend- our nephew is having a birthday party (he's turning 9!). So predictably, Rebecca is sick. She got a fever at dinner last night. She's still sleeping, so hopefully she'll wake up feeling better today. I was just remembering our failed camping trip, not quite 2 years ago. After driving to two different campgrounds, we found a campsite. She was a little tired, and sat on my lap while DH and Isabelle set up the tent (that was an adventure!)- by the time it was up, she was burning up with fever. So we promptly broke camp and went back home. This year, we WILL go camping! Anyway- she recovered pretty quickly that time, so here's hoping.

In other news- Isabelle failed the middle ear impedence testing they did at school- in both ears. It's not a hearing test per se, but we've often wondered about her hearing- we've even had it tested, and figured her problems were due to intermittent wax impaction. So, they retest her in 5 weeks and if she doesn't pass then, we have to take her to the doctor. I think I may go ahead and set up an appointment for her, though. In good news though- Isabelle has been picked to say the prayer at "graduation" this year from preschool. Eek- that means we have to start thinking about kindergarden soon!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Julia gets sick whenever we travel too. Why is that do you suppose?? Maybe the stress of the trip just wears their little bodies down. :(