Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A Moment of Sheer Terror

We'd just finished dinner, and the girls were playing outside on their swingset (the backyard is just off the kitchen). DH was in the kitchen doing some clean-up (he had his MP3 player on, and the water running) and I was up in the office answering some e-mails (the office is on the same side of the house as the yard, and I can hear some noise from out there). Next thing I know, I hear Isabelle screaming, and I race down the stairs yelling- "Is everything ok out there?". Turns out DH couldn't hear anything, and I was the first to see Isabelle hanging upside down, her foot stuck in one of the rings on the swingset. We raced out there and got her down- no lasting damage done- not sure if she's sprained the ankle or not. When she forgets, she'll start walking/jumping on that ankle- but she couldn't bear weight on it for a while...That was another couple of gray hairs for Mommy!


Christy said...

Oh man! I'm so glad that she's alright.

Bethany said...

Ah yes, the gray hairs. As if we needed any help getting them. I'm glad she's okay.

Heather New said...

OMG!!! I'm glad she's OK!!! That would have given me gray hairs too!!