Thursday, June 21, 2007

Booking through Thursday

While browsing through meme's this afternoon, I came across this one, and since it's Thursday:

Since school is out for the summer (in most places, at least), here’s a school-themed question for the week:

1. Do you have any old school books? Did you keep yours from college? Old textbooks from garage sales? Old workbooks from classes gone by? I have some. Mostly literature books (either text books, or actual novels I read in lit classes), and I have my old French textbooks. I still have some books from a class on Japanese culture that I did in undergrad too. And some miscellaneous literature text books courtesy of a friend who's mom was a teacher.

2. How about your old notes, exams, papers? Do you save them? Or have they long since gone to the great Locker-in-the-sky? Again, mostly lit papers- essays I wrote, and stuff. I've tried to be better about purging notes- the books are harder. I also have a folder of all the old stories and poetry I wrote starting in middle school I think- that's some scary stuff! LOL

Another blog challenge

from Sweet Shoppe Designs.

This one was a quiz to find out what cartoon character you're like. The quiz is here

My score was 37, which makes me:

36-43 points) You are Charlie Brown:
You are tender, you fall in love quickly but you are also very serious about all relationships. You are a family person. You call your Mom every Sunday. You have many friends and may occasionally forget a few birthdays. Don’t let your passion confuse you with reality.

I've been looking around at various meme's and themed blog posts. I have some friends that do the Thursday 13, and I've been thinking about it. Or maybe I'll just do my own themes- something to give me an inspiration to blog on, since my day to day life is so dull. (well, the interesting stuff I can't post about, since it's work related, and the rest of my life is boring :) )

We're going on vacation next week...and then maybe I'll be back blogging...or maybe not, you never know...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

A Month since my last post...

I guess my life is pretty boring. Mostly work these days, and when I'm not working or with the kids, I've been obsessively digi scrapping (although, I did get 2 paper pages done today, and am hoping to do another today!).

Speaking of digiscrapping- I have a blog challenge from a site I've just started hanging out at (Sweet Shoppe Designs) that I've been meaning to post on...

If someone gave you several million dollars, what would you do with it?
Number 1: Pay off debt!!!! We really don't have much in the way of credit card debt...but house and car payments...and the biggie, student loan payments!....are just frightening. And then...I'd buy DH a new car- his is about 11 or 12 years old now, and is still running, but becoming more high maintenance. He wants one of the hybrid vehicles...and with the prices of gas these days, maybe that's not a bad idea! Then I think I'd be sensible and invest a lot of it, so I could retire while I'm young enough to enjoy it. (And hey, with all that money, and our debt paid off...I could work part time too!). And, last but not least, I'd take the whole family to stay at Animal Kingdom Lodge at Disney World :) I would LOVE to stay there!

I think our next big Orlando trip is going to be in 2010. I'm so excited about the new Wizarding World plans at Universal Studios!!! Something really exciting to look forward to, after the series ends next month :( (But I'm REALLY excited for the book, anyway- and the movie too :) )

We went to see Shrek 3 last night- the kids did great, especially since it went past their usual bedtime. Rebecca was just laughing hysterically at everything. I wish I'd smuggled in our little video camera, just to capture it (but who knew, eh?). It wasn't as good as the first two...but from reviews, we weren't expecting it to be, so it was a decent enough way to pass the evening. And then today, the girls went to a school friends party at McDonalds. It's kind of sad, they'll all be going to different schools come the fall- who knows whether they will keep in touch, or not?