Thursday, January 31, 2008

Feeling Lost...

Not literally- just bouncing up and down with excitement over the return of the TV show!

I didn't get addicted until near the end of the second...when DH and I started getting the DVD's of the first season from Netflix...before even the end of the series premiere, we were hooked! Now if only the kids would decide to put themselves to bed early, so that we can watch it live. LOL. Thank heavens for the DVR!

We're also waiting with baited breath to see if we get a snow day tomorrow...those happen rarely and always cause lots of challenges and excitement- we may get 6-12 inches of snow we'll see!

And now...

Booking Through Thursday (which I think was my last post before the long hiatus)

This week’s question is suggested by (blogless) JMutford:
Sometimes I find eccentric characters quirky and fun, other times I find them too unbelievable and annoying. What are some of the more outrageous characters you’ve read, and how do you feel about them?

Let's latest reading obsession has been the Agent Pendergast series by Preston & Childs...he definately counts as eccentric! He's one of those people that in real life would probably annoy the heck out of me...although could he really exist in real life? He's genius smart and seems to know quite a bit about just about everything. He's also a bit of a MacGyver (or however you spell that) type, and can survive just about anything, along with being a master of disguise. I love reading about him as a character, but, since I have this tendency to put myself in major characters shoes, and think "Hmm, in this situation, could I do that?" he makes me feel woefully inadequate!

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