Tuesday, March 13, 2007

House of Strep, and playing around

I've been playing around with my blog tonight- I made a header! Yay, me! I've started on a couple of digiscrap creative teams, and I used a kit from one of them to create it, because it fitted what I wanted exactly! (credits are in the upper right hand corner).

In other news...we've all been sick :( Well...to correct that, DH and I have been FEELING sick, the girls have been acting fine (but apparently have had sore throats they didn't tell us about until asked point blank). I've been sick since Friday. My throat hurt, but the worst was overall body aches, and fatigue. I've got a huge swollen lymph node in my neck, too. I thought maybe it was strep, but figured it was probably just a cold. DH got the same thing two days later. On Monday, he was tested for strep...and came back positive (my test came back negative). We asked the girls if they had sore throats...they both said yes...and sure enough, they both tested positive for strep. So we're all on antibiotics (I'm fairly sure my test was a false negative- since I have the same symptoms, and was the first one sick). So the girls got to stay home and play outside in our beautiful warm weather today (because they don't feel at all sick, but couldn't go to school. Oh, for more sick days like that... :) )

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hadley was on the "healing side" of tonsilitis when I took her in for a YEAST infection... What a combo! Maybe it's a good thing when they don't know they don't feel good!!! ;)