Thursday, February 8, 2007

The big event...

happened last night. Isabelle started having some bleeding around her tooth, and crying that it hurt, when she brushed. So DH took the bull by the horns, and pulled it out. She cried a bit, mostly because of the blood, but then was SO excited! And it was just in time for us to put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy. And boy, was she excited about that! (Rebecca's comment "I didn't get any money" :( ) And now, Isabelle is busy wiggling the tooth next to it, which is also loose (the two bottom front ones...)


Christy said...

Tooth fairies all over the place! Congrats to your big girl and a hug to you.

Heather New said...

YAY!!!! Congratulations Isabelle!

Maddy pulled her second tooth all by herself YESTERDAY. Now she has two missing on the bottom. SO stinkin' cute.

And *hugs* to Mom, because I know how sad that day is.

justkc said...

Oh wow! That is big stuff!

Heather said...

HOLY COW with the teeth already! I cannot even imagine!!