Sunday, February 4, 2007


I read a quote a few days ago that I liked. "Make a list of important things to do today. At the top of your list put 'eat chocolate.' Now you'll get at least one thing done today." Gina Hayes.
Well- the top of my work desk is almost visible, I worked on my craft area a little today...but nothing has been done on my exercise area...instead, I baked brownies.

Isabelle was sick today, so she and Rebecca got to stay in jammies all day today. Just as was really cold today. I only went out once, to the grocery store (bad timing- lots of people stocking up on last minute Superbowl stuff- oh well.).

I also did the "assignment" for the DSLR for newbies class at It was supposed to be a picture of running water taken outside, with different shutter speeds...but I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be able to get any running water outside...and didn't really feel like going outside to find out. It was a pretty neat exercise though- I still haven't uploaded the pics to see them full size.

DH and I watched half of Brick last night- then I fell asleep. No reflection on the movie (although it is a bit hard to follow)...I was just tired. So we're going to watch the rest of it tonight. And we need to reorganize our Netflix queue to figure out what's next.

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