Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow days...

Oh boy, what a couple of days it's been.

Monday started out normal enough, until DH got Rebecca up, and brought her over to me- her cheeks were red, and she felt warm. Uh-oh. So, we quickly came up with a plan- DH would stay home in the AM, and me in the afternoon. All day of course, the buzz was about the snow that was forecast, whether we'd be open or not, whether schools would be or not...And of course, I wondered whether R. would be well enough to go to school.

And the next day....R. actually was feeling better- but the snow had come. DH and I were up early shoveling out the drive. He decided to cancel his work day, so I could go in, if we stayed open. We actually were open for half a day...and then I think most of the town shut down! It was exciting to say the least.

Then this morning, we got up to shovel out...and found one of our neighbors had plowed us out (bless him!). I had to go into work for a little while- and a big utility vehicle was blocking the plowed exit from my street- Grrr...I ended up driving the back way, which was a bit of a mistake...I was slipping and sliding along ok, until I came to a big truck that was idling outside someones house waiting to pick some one up (and it took up all of the passable road of course)...and then I got stuck. Happily they left soon, and with lots of backing and forthing, I got out (that'll teach me to go out without the shovel and kitty litter the radio told me I should be traveling with! I didn't even have my gloves!). Later this morning, I went to ask the girls what they wanted for lunch (Isabelle's vote- heart shaped French toast and bacon) and R. wasn't in with I. watching TV. I found her curled up under the covers in our guest room looking very droopy, and feeling very warm. She didn't eat much all day, and has been so congested! I hope she's better by tomorrow- it's supposed to be her birthday party at daycare (if daycare is even open)


Christy said...

Oh no! I hope that R is feeling better soon.

Heather said...

Bless her heart! It's not fun to miss any party, muchless your own!!

Chris Wasielewski said...

Yay. Another heart punching food dweeb like me! And you know I say that with love! ;) Sorry the crud has hit you all too. Definitely going around. Hang in there.
